Our designer makes sure every piece shipped from our studio in Detroit is inspected and packaged for its new owner. Many of these designs are one-of-a-kind or created as part of a limited series.
Gehazi jewelry is all conceptualized and handcrafted beginning with the finest foundation materials. We use professional beading wires, genuine precious and semi-precious gemstones and assorted fine metals that guarantee durability and reduce the chances of allergic reactions. We use sterling silver, gold, pewter and copper. We also use eclectic mixes of other materials to add more texture, shape and fun to our pieces, giving them that distinctive Gehazi appeal.
You will find our items nuanced with Swarovski crystals as well as other brilliant crystals and glass beads sourced from around the world. Also, many of our fine metal clasps and pendants are crafted by talented silversmiths in the U.S. and beyond.
Your purchase will come meticulously packaged in organza bags, ready for gift-giving even if you are the recipient. We are proud that these fine handcrafted products have been shipped to customers worldwide.