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The Beads are Not For Sale

My creativity took a nosedive. Grief, disappointment and depression camped out in my headquarters and refused to leave. I mustered no desire to even step into my studio. I thought of packing my beloved beading talents and escaping to a peaceful and quiet retirement.

Had I done so, you would be reading how to acquire my overflowing stock of crystals, metals, beads and tools. Instead, I chose a intense self-care journey that answered only to my heart, mind and spirit.

Gehazi means the valley of vision. Eventually the darkness dissipated and that valley gave me a hard kick out of a creative slumber. My fingers energized and mind found its way to that soul-soothing place where I breathe deeply, invite inspiration and allow the pieces to create themselves.

I don’t talk about my process very much, mostly because it even surprises me. Sometimes, I’m just plain shocked.

Just as a writer who is fully wooed by words and phrases that move through space and time and into a dimension of reality, I allow my works to transform as they see fit. Sometimes it happens with a new stash of materials sitting to my left. On my left. what some would call clutter, but I call my stash of cool stuff I want to use. Other times a design emerges with a nudge from particular gemstones, beads or memories.

The energy is engrossing, my eyes, hands and heart joining forces and beckoning me to pick through the mounds of materials at hand. I never know where the journey will end or what will result. When the process ends, no one is more amazed than me. Even when I look at old photos of pieces that I absolutely love, I wonder to myself, “how did I decide to put these elements together. What made me do it?”  

All I know is that the beauty and diversity that comes from my hands and my soul is born from the valley of vision. It is a gift sent by God. I obey it. I don’t work against it or without its consent. I am blessed and thankful the beads are not for sale…not this time, anyway!

After that months-long hiatus, I'm proud to share new Gehazi one-of-a-kind pieces. I love this collection because the pieces would be as beautiful on a gallery wall as adorned on a human frame.

Visit us at and let us know what you think of this newest and long overdue wearable art collection.

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